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League Mavia Docs

Shield Mechanics:

Heroes of Mavia utilizes a dynamic shield mechanism that has a direct relationship with a player’s trophy count. This increases the overall difficulty of maintaining a higher trophy count. Players are incentivized to maintain a higher trophy count because it can lead to more competitive matches which may reward the players with more loot than low trophy count matches. High trophy count will also play a part in seasons and season rewards, which are planned in the future.

Let’s explain how shields work in respect to trophy count and damage done during a battle.

  • When a player first creates a Mavia base, you are given a 48 hour shield. This allows players breathing room to get through the tutorial, gather some starting resources, and initiate some beginning actions before battle begins!

    • Note: starting matchmaking will cause a player to lose all of their remaining shield, so be prepared for battle if you begin searching for a match! (this mechanic is under balancing review and may be changed to be more lenient on retaining shields)

  • Another big relationship in Heroes of Mavia is when your base is attacked. When another player attacks your base, there are 4 tiers of outcomes that can occur regarding shield.

    • 0-29% damage - defending player receives no shield

    • 30-59% damage - tier1 shield, see chart - depends on trophy count of defender

    • 60-89% damage - tier2 shield, see chart - depends on trophy count of defender

    • 90-100% damage - tier3 shield, , see chart - depends on trophy count of defender

  • This should not be confused with stars and trophy counts, which operate a little differently than the relationship of damage to shields. The outcomes that can occur regarding trophies are listed below. They are a zero sum relationship, so the attacker and defender always gain/lose the same amount. This is displayed below when comparing attacker results to defender results

    • Attacker Example

      • In this battle, the attacker saw a potential gain of 21 trophies, and a potential loss of 12 trophies

    • 0 stars - loss of trophies for the attacker (-12 trophies)

    • 1 star - 1/3 of the available trophies from the match is gained (+7 trophies)

    • 2 star - 2/3 of the available trophies from the match is gained (+14 trophies)

    • 3 stars - 100% of the available trophies from the match is gained (+21 trophies)

    • Defender Example

      • In this battle, the defender could lose up to 21 trophies, or gain 12 trophies if victorious

    • 0 stars - gain of trophies for the defender (+12 trophies)

    • 1 star - 1/3 of the available trophies from the match is lost (-7 trophies)

    • 2 star - 2/3 of the available trophies from the match is lost (-14 trophies)

    • 3 stars - 100% of the available trophies from the match is lost (-21 trophies)

  • Lastly, we want to make it clear and transparent the relationship between trophy counts, league rank, and shield given works. The entire table is listed below.

Non-Ranked - Gold 2: 0 - 1999 Trophies

% Damage

Minutes of Shield

Hours of Shield

0 - 29%



30 - 59%



60 - 89%



90 - 100%



Gold 1: 2000 - 2199 Trophies

% Damage

Minutes of Shield

Hours of Shield

0 - 29%



30 - 59%



60 - 89%



90 - 100%



Diamond 3: 2200 - 2399 Trophies

% Damage

Minutes of Shield

Hours of Shield

0 - 29%



30 - 59%



60 - 89%



90 - 100%



Diamond 2: 2400 - 2599 Trophies

% Damage

Minutes of Shield

Hours of Shield

0 - 29%



30 - 59%



60 - 89%



90 - 100%



Diamond 1: 2600 - 2799 Trophies

% Damage

Minutes of Shield

Hours of Shield

0 - 29%



30 - 59%



60 - 89%



90 - 100%



Masters 3 - Master 1+: 2800 - 3200+ Trophies

% Damage

Minutes of Shield

Hours of Shield

0 - 29%



30 - 59%



60 - 89%



90 - 100%



When logging in and checking out your battle log, use the examples listed below to get a good idea of why you might have been attacked a few times, or to understand how your trophy count was affected the way it was.

Example 1:

In the above scenario, the player has a starting trophy count of 865 and an ending trophy count of 857. This places the player in the “Non-Ranked - Gold 2” category of shield timers. Assuming the player had no shield when logging off, player was attacked and received 100% damage, which would mean a tier-3 8 hour shield was applied. 8+ hours later, the player was attacked and again received 100% damage, which would have applied another tier-3 8 hour shield. 8+ hours later, the player was attacked a 3rd time, this time receiving 0-29% damage, which resulted in no shield being applied. That means this player was offline for at least 16+ hours.

Example 2:

In the above scenario, the player has a starting trophy count of 2115 and an ending trophy count of 2087. This places the player in the “Gold 1” category of shield timers. Assuming the player had no shield when logging off, player was attacked and received 100% damage, which would mean a tier-3 6 hour shield was applied. 6+ hours later, the player was attacked and again received 66% damage, which would have applied a tier-2 4 hour shield. 4+ hours later, the player was attacked a 3rd time for 100%, receiving a tier-3 6 hour shield again. The minimum amount of time the player could be offline in this scenario is 10 hours, because the player could have logged in and been met with a full 6 hour shield, or any remaining portion of it.